Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

We bought a house! Happened crazy fast but it was THE house and everything just fell right into place! It's bigger than our first house and it's very open - even has a sun room! The only negative is that it didn't already have a fenced in yard so we will be doing that ASAP for the doggies! It's in Avon - since most of you that read this are from Hanover, it's actually only a few miles from Brent's house but closer to 10th St!! He doesn't know it yet but someday when he returns my phone call I'll tell him! :) We close on April 30th (assuming everything goes fine with the inspections.) Our apartment complex is being a bit crappy but I think we'll be able to work it out...
So my birthday present is a new home!! Yay!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations! We love loving in Avon!!!