Thursday, March 25, 2010

No Pain No Gain

We did an hour of chariots, squats, lunges and step-ups. I went for the full bench seats today rather than just the first step of the risers for the step-ups. Wowzers. Jason said his goal was to make us wake up in pain on Saturday. Guess that means tomorrow probably won't be any easier! Fridays are usually games of some sort so it can't be too bad, right? :)

Had a great day in Rochester yesterday. Was a very welcome break from the grind at work - although I have to say that I'm enjoying work more these days. It's all about attitude and lately it seems to be pretty positive and a lot of fun. Anyway, I spent the day with my niece, Adria, and she is definitely a ham. She'll be 6 months old on Saturday and time is just flying! She is getting to be such a little person so full of personality and she just loves to laugh and smile. I love it!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

We bought a house! Happened crazy fast but it was THE house and everything just fell right into place! It's bigger than our first house and it's very open - even has a sun room! The only negative is that it didn't already have a fenced in yard so we will be doing that ASAP for the doggies! It's in Avon - since most of you that read this are from Hanover, it's actually only a few miles from Brent's house but closer to 10th St!! He doesn't know it yet but someday when he returns my phone call I'll tell him! :) We close on April 30th (assuming everything goes fine with the inspections.) Our apartment complex is being a bit crappy but I think we'll be able to work it out...
So my birthday present is a new home!! Yay!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

1st round done!

I finished the first month of the transformation challenge this past Friday and am really starting to feel a change. When we had our first weigh in last week I had only lost a few lbs but 6 inches which is apparently pretty good since 2 were in my waist and 2 were in my hips. So I guess I'll take it! :) They changed my meal plan for the next 3 weeks so hopefully I'll see some bigger weight loss when we weigh in again. I had lost 6 lbs in the first week but I was also pretty sick so apparently that didn't really work in my favor. I didn't do a very good job of keeping this updated through the month so hopefully when we start again on the 22nd (MY BIRTHDAY) I'll remember to update more. Anyway, the biggest change hasn't been with my body but more mentally. Eating "clean" and starting out every day of the week with an hour long crazy hard workout has really changed everything. I have more energy! I can focus better at work and I'm proud of myself for how far I've come from the 1st day! It's amazing what having a little more pride in yourself can do!