Saturday, November 8, 2008

Henry and company!

Just had to post this picture of little prince Henry with his aunt Mel at the baptism last weekend. Poor little guy didn't much care for the whole ordeal but as Mel said while he was screaming his little head off... it only confirms that he belongs in our group! :)

And of course had to show you one of Henry with his uncle Brent. I really like the either yuck spot on my camera or ghost (orb) that is covering Brent's head... haha. I think Henry really liked being up so much higher than usual, considering Brent is what? 6'7"??

I made Betsy's family take a picture of the Hanover crew that was there for old times sake. Although I hate myself in it and should have taken the glasses off it is still a cute picture of some of my closest friends!

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