If you think anything like my husband then you might agree that there is no one else with as many random medical issues as me. Which after 27 years of being me, I just might agree. If you get Kyle started he will tell you that he's been working out a deal with the IU med center to sell me as research. Apparently he figures they can do a lot more worthwhile testing while my body is still functioning. I say they can wait until I die.
Anyway. I have had some serious breathing problems these last few weeks. I can breathe and everything but it always feels like it's not enough - like my lungs are getting enough oxygen. Which makes me yawn constantly, which makes my jaw hurt because really I don't think it likes opening that wide anymore. Since the breathing issues have started my left side jaw has popped/cracked twice from all the yawning. It is painful and freaks me out because I'm terrified I will do something to mess up all of the work the dentists, orthodontist and surgeon have done (it would be my luck - seriously). And everytime it does that the surgeon instructs me to go on a soft diet (no chewing) for 3-4 days... Which makes me think that this causes him concern too. After the first week of this breathing weirdness that came out of nowhere and was causing me to be on the verge of breakdowns when it was really bad, I called the doctor. Went to see her and she immediately had me do a breathing test and then sad me down with a breathing treatment for 20 minutes. Then sat me down to talk about asthma... I had been told 3 years ago that I could possibly be slightly asthmatic after a specialist did some allergy testing. They gave me a rescue inhaler and I think I might have used it once in the last 3 years. Well apparently it is possible that my body has added a symptom to my allergies - asthma... Yay and I have a brand new inhaler to use regularly! "Sucks to your asthmar, Piggy." So I was told to make an appointment with a specialist again (ASAP) so they can do some more allergy and pulmonary testing. Joy. So I call said specialist on Friday and made an appt. for June 2nd. After we made the appt. the lovely secretary at the office says to me, now you will have to stop taking any and all allergy meds 5 days prior to the appointment so we can do the testing. WHAT?!??!!? It seems I forgot about that part... So in 2 days I cannot take any allergy products whatsoever for FIVE DAYS during the worst part of the year for me. I am pretty sure that Kyle can stop his negotiations for a live body...
As if that's not bad enough the memories of the testing are returning... Lots and lots of needle pricks to the back - I was allergic to 42 of the 50 last time - severely allergic to over 75% of those 42. Now they want to do it again... Lord help you if you see me between Thursday and Tuesday this next week and a half. :)